Post Tagged with: "Dr Oz"

5 foods to prevent your arteries from clogging

5 foods to prevent your arteries from clogging

Do you know what to eat to prevent your arteries from clogging? Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood rich in oxygen throughout our body. Healthy arteries have smooth inner walls and blood flows through them easily. Some people, however, develop clogged arteries. Arteries can get clogged up and in way are […]

by February 17, 2019
The medicinal properties of coconut oil

The medicinal properties of coconut oil

Most of us grew up considering fats like coconut oil to be unhealthy and contribute to heart disease. Coconut oil is composed of a group of unique fat molecules known as medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA). Although they are technically classified as saturated fats, this kind fat can actually protect the heart. […]

by July 15, 2018
As seen on Dr Oz almond butter to super charge your sleep

As seen on Dr Oz almond butter to super charge your sleep

As seen on Dr Oz almond butter to super charge your sleep. Take a healthy step at bedtime. The Buzz is out and Almond Butter should become an essential part of our diet. Dr. Oz showed the nation how we can achieve great results by Super charging our body. One of the […]

by June 19, 2018
Easy holistic energy muscle technique for diagnosing common ailments

Easy holistic energy muscle technique for diagnosing common ailments

 “Acupressure is an ancient healing art using the fingers to gradually press key healing points, which stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities.” Acupressure is used to relieve a variety of stress related conditions, and is often used to help boost the immune system. It helps release tension, increases blood circulation, […]

by April 22, 2014
Natren Trenev Trio probiotics

Natren Trenev Trio probiotics

Part of our top 10, “Must-Haves”: Natren Healthy Trinity probiotics. There is mounting evidence that adding probiotics to your diet will not only boost your immune system, but also fight inflammation, skin disorders,  aid with your digestion and help you reach optimum health. Just recently, Dr. Andrew Weil, shared on […]

by January 15, 2014
As seen on Dr.Oz: The controversy over dental amalgam fillings

As seen on Dr.Oz: The controversy over dental amalgam fillings

Amalgam is an alloy of mercury with various metals used for dental fillings. It consists of mercury (50%), silver (~22-32% ), tin (~14%), copper (~8%), and other trace metals. In the 1800s, amalgam was used as it was inexpensive and durable. There seem to be mounting evidence on the health risks associated with placing mercury into your teeth. Interestingly enough, about 72% of people surveyed in […]

by April 16, 2013