Post Tagged with: "Dr Oz"

Passionflower stress relief tea

Passionflower stress relief tea

Tea has been used for thousands of years for relaxing and fighting disease. In today’s modern society, most physicians and health practitioners would recommend prescription medication to help deal with stress. In the 2010 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, it states “people who use anti-anxiety medication have a 36% increased mortality […]

by March 16, 2021
Cumin sleep aid tea

Cumin sleep aid tea

Insomnia can be such a debilitating condition, because sleep is necessary to keep us alert, productive and for our overall well-being. It is recommended to get 7-8 hours of good sleep per night for optimal health. Nature’s medicine can help you get some zzzs. This soothing tea contains sleep-friendly ingredients […]

by December 19, 2020
Health benefits of ginger

Health benefits of ginger

The health benefits of ginger are countless. Ginger is part of the herb family. It has a brown skin on the outside, and is creamy colored on this inside. The spicy, aromatic herb is often used in Asian cuisine to flavor dishes. Let’s take a look at some of the […]

by October 11, 2020
Tips to keep your eyes healthy

Tips to keep your eyes healthy

We use our eyes constantly and it is important to keep them in a healthy condition.   Diet plays a big part. Eating foods rich in antioxidants like beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, to name a few, help reduce the risk of age related eye diseases  such […]

by July 13, 2020
A little fuzzy ball of energy called kiwi

A little fuzzy ball of energy called kiwi

Kiwi looks like a little fuzz ball and   is fast becoming a superfruit. If you are feeling tired bring on the kiwis! Here are some of the heath benefits of kiwi:  Aids with weight loss: One cup of sliced, skinless kiwi fruit contains 110 calories. One cup of kiwi fruit contains […]

by May 17, 2020
Probiotic smoothie

Probiotic smoothie

A probiotic smoothie to boost your immune system and feed your gut. What are probiotics? “Probiotics are live microorganisms (in most cases, bacteria) that are similar to the beneficial microorganisms naturally found in the human gut”, states Dr. Oz . These good bacteria have shown benefits in weight loss and […]

by March 29, 2020
Easy daily foot and leg workouts

Easy daily foot and leg workouts

On a daily basis, our feet are forced into shoes, treaded on hard surfaces, and crammed into heels. By not being careful, one may develop conditions such as plantar fasciitis, arch pain, and Achilles tendonitis, just to name a few. The good news is that there are easy ways to […]

by March 4, 2020
Healthy Almondnog

Healthy Almondnog

A super delicious and healthy almondnog recipe from our kitchen to yours: Treat your family to healthy food this holiday season, they will thank you and you will celebrate for many many more years together. This almondnog is the best alternative to store bought ones that are full of sugar. […]

by November 17, 2019