Check What People Say

“I am delighted to see a healthy platform such as STEPin2 that spreads the authentic health mission in such a unique and positive way. Your important approach as a one-stop portal will help your readers take fast, simple, affordable daily steps in practicing a healthy lifestyle that is good for them and our planet. Job well done!”

~ Dr. Joseph Mercola Best Selling Author, “Ultimate Wellness Game Changer” and Health Philantropist.



“You have a gift and a passion for green and healthy living, and you bring the best health information in the most readable way. I congratulate you for launching Step Into My Green World. I know it will allow you to help and touch the lives of many more people, as it will give you an even bigger platform to do so.”

~ William Sears, MD, author of Prime-time Health



“Great job in bringing this greening into the home. The detoxification of the American Home is a vital step in attaining optimal health. WellBeingMD supports your educational efforts and passion. YOU are one GIANT HEALTHY step in the right direction to creating Healthy Homes, Healthy Lives.”

~Dr. John Principe, Founder of WellBeingMD



Sayer“STEPin2 is a leading voice in natural well-being today. It is a must use for anyone who cares about personal, social and planetary health.

I encourage everyone to get to discover this healthy platform and join a growing, global movement to take back our health, naturally.”

~ Sayer Ji, Founder of



“It is certainly an honor for San Francisco to be named the ‘greenest’ city in North America, and it is great to get recognition for the good work San Franciscans have done.

The launch of “Step Into My Green World” will allow residents greater access to day-to-day tools, practical ideas and tips on how to work harder for a more sustainable and healthier future for the City and for themselves.

Thank you for your continuous efforts and impact in our community.”

~ The late San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee



“What a joy to watch you navigate your path. Your site is a perfect manifestation of the work that motivates you and inspires so many others. Accolades to you my friend!”

~ Zem Joaquin, founder of Near Future Summit



You do a beautiful job educating everyone about all the different ways we can live a more green, healthy life! You are a force in the green and healthy movement and your site is an incredible tool!

~Susie Wang, 100% Pure founder.



Through your incredible commitment to helping us lead a healthier life and protecting the planet, you have touched the lives of many. You are fast becoming the platform of the healthy living movement. The world needs your passion, insight and knowledge.

~ Teresa Rodriguez, Author of Flying Solo & Founder of



As we build our community together, to address the importance of being healthy and green, we are very lucky to have YOU, to help lead the way, so we can actually incorporate healthy living into our day-to-day lives. Thank You, for keeping our community first.”

~ Bianca Velishek, Communications Chairperson, Earth Day San Francisco


VanThank you, STEPin2, for genuinely caring about helping families lead a healthier life and our planet at the same time. You are a leading voice in the healthy living movement. I applaud you.”

~The late Dr Van Vlahakis – Founder and CEO of Earth Friendly Products


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