Vitamin C detoxifies hormones

Vitamin C detoxifies hormones

Vitamin C detoxifies hormones

Vitamin C, often called the “sunshine vitamin” has been shown by a study to have hormone health-promoting effects. Vitamin C detoxifies hormones and regenerates them as well.

This study showing that vitamin C detoxifies hormones was published in 1993, yet it has been overlooked for decades.

The research team from Austria examined the effects of vitamin C on preventing steroid hormones from becoming cancerous.

Study shows that vitamin C detoxifies hormones and regenerates them

Hormones like estrogen and testosterone lose electrons when exposed to environmental factors like pH, UV light, temperature and more. When they lose electrons, they can become carcinogenic (cancer-causing).

Vitamin C is known to distribute electrons to hormones that need them. The sunshine vitamin is also a potent antioxidant, and can kill cancer-causing free radicals.

The study authors wrote: “Investigations were performed using progesterone (PRG), testosterone (TES) and estrone (E1) as representatives of hormones. By irradiation with monochromatic UV light (λ=254 nm) in a media of 40% water and 60% ethanol, the degradation as well as the regeneration of the hormones was studied with each hormone individually and in the mixture with VitC as a function of the absorbed UV dose, using HPLC. Calculated from the obtained initial yields, the determined regeneration of PRG amounted to 52.7%, for TES to 58.6% and for E1 to 90.9%.”

In the study, vitamin C was capable of regenerating testosterone up to 58%, and estrogen up to 52%.

“[H]ormone transients originating by the electron emission process can be successfully regenerated by the transfer of electrons from a potent electron donor, such as vitamin C (VitC),” the authors wrote.

Vitamin C detoxifies hormones, and the great part is that it is very safe in high doses, unlike many conventional treatments.

This study showing that vitamin C detoxifies hormones and regenerates them was published in the journal Radiation Physics and Chemistry.

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Some information included in this article is courtesy of Sayer Ji, Founder of Greenmedinfo is the world’s most widely referenced natural health resource.

For a cilantro and spinach detox smoothie.
For an apple cider vinegar detox drink.
For a liver detoxifier drink.

For a beet citrus detox smoothie.

1. “Sunshine Vitamin Regenerates and Detoxifies Your Hormones.”, 1 Feb. 2015. Web. 06 Feb. 2015.
2. “Photo-induced Regeneration of Hormones by Electron Transfer Processes: Potential Biological and Medical Consequences.” Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Pergamon, 1993. Web. 06 Feb. 2015.

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