Candy company Mars supports added sugar labels

Candy company Mars supports added sugar labels

Many food companies are making changes towards offering healthier products.

Major candy company Mars supports added sugar labels, according to a statement on their website.

This move comes after many health experts and agencies have recommended limiting sugar intake. On Mars’ website, it now states: “Mars supports recommendations by the world’s leading health authorities that people should limit their intake of added sugars to no more than 10% of total calories.”

One of the most important ways we can help is by giving consumers clear information about what’s in the products we manufacture so they can make informed dietary choices,” according to the Mars statement. “To make it easier for people to track the amount of added sugars in their diets, Mars is declaring its full support for a US Government proposal to include an added sugars declaration in the Nutrition Facts panel on packaging.”

Mars makes popular candies like M&M’s and Snickers. Although this move to support added sugar labels may be surprising, it clearly shows that even candy companies are feeling the pressure and are aiming at healthier changes.

It might appear to be counterintuitive, but if you dig down a bit more, we know candy itself is not a diet,” said Dave Crean, Mars global head of research and development, in a piece for The Wall Street Journal. “It shouldn’t be consumed too often, and having transparency of how much it should be consumed is actually quite helpful to consumers.”

It’s not the entire answer to the public health issue, but it is a monumental change for the industry,” Crean added.

The statement showing that candy company Mars supports added sugar labels is published on the official Mars website.

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1. “Mars Endorses Limitation on Added Sugars, Supports US Government Labeling Recommendation.”, May 2015. Web. 24 May 2015.
2. “Candy-Maker Mars Supports Labels For Added Sugar.” The Huffington Post., 24 May 2015. Web. 24 May 2015.
3. “M&M Maker Wants Labels for Added Sugar.” WSJ. Wall Street Journal, 8 May 2015. Web. 24 May 2015.

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