Post Tagged with: "University of Maryland Medical Center"

Cayenne cold and flu buster tea

Cayenne cold and flu buster tea

This cayenne cold and flu buster tea recipe calls for spices you already have in your kitchen. Homemade remedies are often the best and most effective ones. This cayenne cold and flu buster tea is packed with healing ingredients such as chamomile, cayenne pepper, turmeric, and honey. Let’s take a […]

by November 10, 2020
Health benefits of green tea

Health benefits of green tea

There’s nothing like a hot cup of green tea to get you through a long stressful day. It has a way of providing energy, soothing the soul, and refreshing your spirits. Green tea has been used for millenniums in Asia as a potent tonic for its health benefits. It is […]

by November 1, 2020
Turmeric boosts the immune system and fights chronic diseases

Turmeric boosts the immune system and fights chronic diseases

Turmeric, also known as the “Indian solid gold” gets its nickname not only because of its gold color, but for the fact that it is worth its weight in gold when it comes to health benefits. Turmeric remains one the most researched plants in the world. Its medicinal properties have […]

by March 25, 2020
Carpal tunnel syndrome remedies

Carpal tunnel syndrome remedies

Carpal tunnel syndrome is pain caused by a pinched nerve in the wrist that gets worse and worse over time. According to Mayo Clinic, “A number of factors can contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome, including the anatomy of your wrist, certain underlying health problems and possibly patterns of hand use.” […]

by October 4, 2019
Health benefits of okra

Health benefits of okra

Okra is a uniquely shaped vegetable, often called “lady fingers” because of its appearance. It is packed with vitamins and minerals for our health. Let’s look at the health benefits of okra. Antioxidant rich: Okra is a great source of vitamin C, vitamin E, and manganese, which are known as potent […]

by January 17, 2019
Health benefits of lychee

Health benefits of lychee

The sweet, exotic lychee fruit hails from China. It is a heart shaped fruit that must be peeled to reveal the tasty white flesh inside. Let’s look at the health benefits of lychee fruit: Breast cancer prevention: Lychee may be beneficial in preventing breast cancer. A study from China showed […]

by September 30, 2018
The health benefits of rosemary

The health benefits of rosemary

Rosemary is an aromatic herb that has been widely used in Mediterranean cuisine. Legend has it said that rosemary was draped around Greek goddess Aphrodite when she rose from the sea. The Virgin Mary spread her blue cloak over a white-blossomed rosemary bush when she was resting, and the flowers turned blue. Rosemary became known as the […]

by September 26, 2018
Health benefits of cayenne pepper

Health benefits of cayenne pepper

We saw how cayenne pepper can help the heart and how powerful it can be. Native Americans have used and praised the health benefits of cayenne pepper also as a potent medicine for a long time. Many of cayenne pepper’s medicinal properties are attributed to a substance it contains called […]

by August 2, 2018