Health benefits of cayenne pepper

Health benefits of cayenne pepper

  • We saw how cayenne pepper can help the heart and how powerful it can be.
  • Native Americans have used and praised the health benefits of cayenne pepper also as a potent medicine for a long time.
  • Many of cayenne pepper’s medicinal properties are attributed to a substance it contains called capsaicin.
  • Alternative Names for cayenne: Capsaicin; Chili pepper; Red pepper
  • Let’s take a look at some of the health benefits of cayenne pepper:
  • Anti-inflammatory:
  • One of cayenne pepper’s most potent properties is its ability as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is believed that the hotter the pepper, the stronger the anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Heart health:
  • Cayenne pepper helps lower levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol).
  • According to the American Heart Association, “high cholesterol is one of the major controllable risk factors for coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke.”
  • Cayenne pepper also helps reduce blood-clotting risk and keeps blood pressure levels normalized. It promotes blood flow and circulation.
  • Pain reliever:
  • Cayenne is very high in capsaicin. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, capsaicin is an effective pain reliever when applied externally. Ointments made with capsaicin can help with headaches, psoriasis, and even arthritis pains.
  • Weight loss:
  • A New York study suggests that cayenne pepper may be an effective appetite suppressant. Cayenne pepper is also thought to boost metabolism and can aid the body in burning excess amounts of fats.
  • NOTE: As always, talk to your health practitioner before changing your diet.
  • Drug interactions:
  • 1. Aspirin: Capsaicin may make aspirin less effective as a pain reliever. It also may increase the risk of bleeding associated with aspirin.
  • 2. Blood-thinning medications and herbs: Capsaicin may increase the risk of bleeding associated with certain blood-thinning medications, such as warfarin (Coumadin) and herbs such as ginkgo, ginger, ginseng, and garlic.
    3. Medications for diabetes: Capsaicin lower blood sugar levels, raising the risk of low blood sugar or hypoglycemia.
    4. Theophylline: Regular use of cayenne may cause your body to absorb too much theophylline, a medication used to treat asthma. This could be dangerous.
  • For the best foods for heart health.
  • For an appetite suppressant drink using cayenne pepper.
  • Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.
  • 1. “Cayenne.” University of Maryland Medical Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 June 2013.
  • 2. “Why Cholesterol Matters.” American Heart Association. N.p., 10 Dec. 2012. Web. 14 June 2013.
  • 3. “Alternative Treatments for Weight Loss: A Critical Review.National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, Jan. 2001. Web. 14 June 2013.



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