Post Tagged with: "The Lancet"

One hour of walking counters 8 hours of sitting

One hour of walking counters 8 hours of sitting

One hour of walking counters 8 hours of sitting One hour of walking counters 8 hours of sitting or sedentary activity, according to a new study from an international research team. Sedentary lifestyle is a serious risk factor for many diseases and early death. Scientists estimate that over 5 million […]

by August 4, 2016
WHO: Coffee officially does not cause cancer

WHO: Coffee officially does not cause cancer

WHO: Coffee officially does not cause cancer Coffee officially does not cause cancer, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Finally, the organization will downgrade its warning for coffee after the overwhelming amount of research touting its benefits. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) had previously warned that […]

by June 23, 2016
Credit: © Kittiphan / Fotolia

Green tea could help treat Down syndrome

Green tea could help treat Down syndrome A compound found in green tea could help treat Down syndrome, according to a new study from researchers at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona, Spain. According to the Mayo Clinic: According to study co-leader Dr. Mara Dierssen, cognitive impairments from […]

by June 21, 2016
Air pollution is a major risk factor for stroke

Air pollution is a major risk factor for stroke

Air pollution is a major risk factor for stroke Air pollution is a major risk factor for stroke, according to a new analysis of global trends published in The Lancet Neurology. According to the new study, environmental and household air pollution is a leading risk factor for stroke globally, and […]

by June 20, 2016
1 in 5 adults will be obese by 2025 globally

1 in 5 adults will be obese by 2025 globally

1 in 5 adults will be obese by 2025 globally, and there is no avoiding it. Obesity is a complex disorder involving excess body fat. It is not just a cosmetic concern, but it increases the risk of health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. According to […]

by April 7, 2016
Climate change: 500,000 dead by 2050 from food shortage

Climate change: 500,000 dead by 2050 from food shortage

Climate change: 500,000 dead by 2050 from food shortage With the ongoing climate change, it is now being reported that there could be 500,000 dead by 2050 from food shortage. New research from the University of Oxford predicts that the increasing temperatures could destroy crops and kill up to half […]

by March 14, 2016
How can breastfeeding prevent over 800,000 deaths every year?

How can breastfeeding prevent over 800,000 deaths every year?

Breastfeeding is the best source of nutrition for infants, hands down. It is the perfect blend of vitamins, proteins, and healthy fats, all designed to help your baby grow. Research has shown that breastfeeding can help develop the immune systems of infants as well. Many major medical institutes, including the […]

by February 7, 2016
1 in 3 healthy adults will develop diabetes

1 in 3 healthy adults will develop diabetes

While the rate of diabetes in the U.S. is leveling off according to recent research, it is still very much prevalent. Almost half of 45 year olds will develop pre-diabetes in their lifetime. According to a new study from The Netherlands, 1 in 3 healthy adults will develop diabetes in […]

by November 27, 2015