Climate change: 500,000 dead by 2050 from food shortage

Climate change: 500,000 dead by 2050 from food shortage

Climate change: 500,000 dead by 2050 from food shortage

With the ongoing climate change, it is now being reported that there could be 500,000 dead by 2050 from food shortage.

New research from the University of Oxford predicts that the increasing temperatures could destroy crops and kill up to half a million people by the year 2050.

The health burden related to climate change is much bigger than we thought,” Peter Scarborough, one of the study’s authors and a researcher at the University of Oxford, told The Guardian.

India is predicted to see over 135,000 deaths by 2050. China would suffer even more deaths.


The study involved 155 countries and estimates a total 529,000 deaths across the world.

The research predicts the following about food production:

The model projects that by 2050, climate change will lead to per-person reductions of 3·2% in global food availability, 4% in fruit and vegetable consumption, and 0·7% in red meat consumption,” the study reported.

The study also described the link between disease and climate change:

Climate change leads to changes in temperature and precipitation that are expected to reduce global crop productivity cause changes in food production and consumption and affect global population health by changing the composition of diets and, with it, the profile of dietary and weight-related risk factors and associated mortalities. The results of this study indicate that even quite modest reductions in per-person food availability could lead to changes in the energy content and composition of diets that are associated with substantial negative health implications.

Climate change is considered by many as the greatest human crisis of our time. By the year 2100, the average earth temperature will increase by 5.8 degrees. While temperatures do fluctuate naturally, the global temperature has increased at a record rate in the past 50 years.

Global warming is caused by carbon dioxide pollution and other air pollution that collects in the atmosphere, and traps the heat form the sun, causing the planet to heat up.

The United States is the single largest culprit of carbon pollution, emitting two billion tons into the air every year.

The study predicting 500,000 dead by 2050 from food shortage was published in the journal The Lancet.

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1. “As Climate Change Decimates Crops, 500,000 People Will Die Annually by 2050.” TakePart. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.
2. “Global and Regional Health Effects of Future Food Production under Climate Change: A Modelling Study.” The Lancet. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.
3. “More than Half a Million Could Die as Climate Change Impacts Diet – Report.” The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 03 Mar. 2016. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.
4. “Climate Change Is Going to Change the Way India Eats-and Kill over 135,000 by 2050.” Quartz. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.

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