How are sugary beverages linked to cancer?

How are sugary beverages linked to cancer?

How are sugary beverages linked to cancer?

Excess sugar intake is linked to many health problems. Recent research has shown that high sugar intake can greatly increase heart disease risk, and a new MRI technique even confirmed that cancer cells feed on sugar.

A piece of fruit, or even a treat like ice cream, isn’t going to cause you too much trouble… provided it truly is just that – a treat and not something that you overindulge in,” says Dr. Joseph Mercola, a leading health expert and physician. “Most Americans, however, are overindulging – and that’s putting it mildly. The average American consumes one-third of a pound of sugar per day, half of which is processed fructose.”

A study from LSU Health New Orleans dug deeper into the link between sugary drinks and cancer. The researchers found that age is a major factor.

The objective of this study was to closely evaluate the risk factors of sugar consumption from sugar-sweetened beverages among cancer survivors and people not diagnosed with cancer, and to our knowledge, no other studies have examined sugar-sweetened beverage intake in cancer survivors,” said Melinda Sothern, PhD, Professor of Public Health at LSU Health New Orleans and senior author. “Recently growing evidence suggests a link between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and the risk of pancreatic and endometrial cancer, as well as the risk of colon cancer recurrence and death among cancer survivors. ”

In the study, the researchers examined over 22,000 adults. The participants were given a survey measuring sugar intake, cancer, smoking, and obesity status.

According to the study abstract:

For the overall study population, 15.7% had high sugar intake from sugar-sweetened drinks. People with no cancer history had a higher sugar intake than cancer survivors, although this could be due to other factors including older age and gender. The sugar intake from sugar-sweetened beverages among women with cervical cancer history was much higher (60g/day) compared to other cancer survivors who consumed only around 30-40 g/day. The research team also found that individuals who had high sugar intake (?80g/day sugar) from sugar-sweetened beverages were younger, male, black, obese, current smokers, low-income, or had education levels at or below high school.

Although consuming added sugar is not recommended, people are not usually aware of how much sugar they get from sugar-sweetened beverages,” says lead author Tung-Sung Tseng, DrPH, Associate Professor of Public Health at LSU Health New Orleans. “The American Heart Association recommends a consumption goal of no more than 450 kilocalories (kcal) of sugar-sweetened beverages or fewer than three 12-ounce cans of soda per week.”

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1. “More Information on How Cancer and Sugar-sweetened Beverages Are Link.” Science Daily. Science Daily, n.d. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
2. “Research Provides New Information on Cancer and Sugar-sweetened Beverages Link.” EurekAlert! LSU Health New Orleans, n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2016.

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