Credit: © Maruba / Fotolia

Credit: © Maruba / Fotolia

Relieve congestion and sinus pressure with this rosemary, thyme and lavender steam bath

We are going to show you how to relieve congestion and sinus pressure with this rosemary, thyme and lavender steam bath.

You know that feeling when you’re sick with a cold or flu and your nasal passages and sinuses just feel sore, raw and worn out?

This feeling is one of the worst parts of a cold. It can really sap your energy and bring down your mood.

Doing a steam bath helps bring moisture back into those dry nasal passages and sinuses and helps you feel refreshed when you are under the weather. The aromas from the fresh herbs and essential oils also help relieve stress.

Lavender is well known for its calming and stress relieving properties. It also helps open up the airways.

The soothing aroma of this potent antiseptic herb helps relieve congestion and open up nasal passages.

This antiseptic and antiviral herb is an expectorant, meaning it helps relieve chest congestion and cough.


• Fill a pot with filtered water, a few sprigs of thyme, rosemary and 2 drops of lavender, and bring it to a boil

• Once the pot boils, remove from the heat

• Stand over the pot, making sure not to get too close to avoid steam burns, and cover your head with a towel to keep steam from escaping

• Breath in and out slowly, inhaling the aromatic and refreshing steam 

Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.

Cold and flu thyme steam bath.
Cold and sinus steam bath.
Cough buster thyme tea.

1. “Efficacy & Tolerability of a Specific Plantain,Thyme and Honey Cough Syrup vs Placebo in Child Cough Due to Common Cold.”, U.S. National Library Of Medicine, 1 July 2015,

2. “The Effects of Lavender Aromatherapy on Reducing Stress and Anxiety During MRI Procedures.”, U.S. National Library Of Medicine, 12 Mar. 2013,
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