Immune-boosting spinach and lemon soup

Immune-boosting spinach and lemon soup

Souping is the new juicing. We love soups because they warm the soul, especially during the colder part of the year. All the nutritious ingredients come together and are alive in the bowl. This immune-boosting spinach and lemon soup is the perfect recipe for the upcoming flu season.

Let’s take a closer look at the ingredients in this immune-boosting spinach and lemon soup.

There may not be a more alkalizing food than lemons. It is great for overall immune health and helps flush toxins from the body by making the liver more efficient.

This leafy green is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. It is high in every immune-boosting nutrient imaginable, including vitamin c, beta-carotene, and other antioxidants.


1. Bring 6 cups of chicken or vegetable stock to a boil
2. Add 1/4 tsp of smoked paprika and 1/2 tsp of cumin
3. Add about 1 1/2 cups of spinach and cook for 4 minutes
4. Add 3 tbsps of lemon juice and a handful of cilantro
5. Add sea salt and freshly ground pepper according to your taste
6. Optional: Put soup in a blender and process until pureed
7. Serve!

Make sure ingredients are organic
Enjoy this immune-boosting spinach and lemon soup!

Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.

Does chicken soup really fight colds and flu?
Flu-killing garlic onion soup.
Flu shot soup.

1. “Spinach and Lime Soup.” Epicurious. Bon Appétit, 20 Aug. 2004. Web. 01 Oct. 2016.
2. “Foods That Boost the Immune System.” Healthline. Healthline, n.d. Web. 01 Oct. 2016.
3. “Spinach, Raw Nutrition Facts & Calories.” Self Nutrition Data. Self Nutrition Data, n.d. Web. 01 Oct. 2016.

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