Rodents and Mice really don’t like the smell of mint. THEY HATE PEPPERMINT OIL!
Here are 3 tips to keep them away from your home:
- Directions:
- 1. Put 5 drops of peppermint essential oil on a cotton ball
- Place by doorways, window seals and any cracks
- 2. Grow mint around your home. Planting mint around your house will create a protective field.
- 3. Put 25 drops of peppermint essential oil into a spray bottle with 8 ounces of water
- Spray around baseboards, windows, doors to repel them and if they wander around your house.
- 4. Soapy peppermint oil spray:
- Mix 1 cup unscented baby shampoo and 25 drops of peppermint essential oil.
- Fill a spray bottle with the mixture and spray on areas and surfaces where you wish to repel them like basements and garages.
- I recommend Mountain Rose Herbs as a reputable source for essential oils and the cinnamon.
- For flea repellents.
- For ticks repellents.
- For the best ant repellent.
- For the best centipedes repellent.
- For the best mosquito spray repellent.
- For moth repellents.