10 tips on how to prevent waste

10 tips on how to prevent waste

Earth Day is fast approaching yet we must not take our planet for granted. We need to do our part each and every day!

There is a bad waste epidemic in the United States and the entire world.

Please make smart choices about what you buy and how you dispose and it will go a long way.

It will make a difference in the amount of waste we produce and the greenhouse gas emissions associated with our consumption.

The manufacture, distribution and use of the goods and food we rely on in our daily lives—as well as management of the resulting waste—all require energy. This energy mostly comes from fossil fuels, which are the largest global source of heat-trapping greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,” states the EPA.

Since we live in an age of consumerism, so many products are consumed and then discarded, creating a major waste problem. According to a study published by the Environmental Research and Education Foundation, over 545 million tons of waste is managed ever year in the United States.

Please RETHINK: Think beyond waste doesn’t just mean making good decisions about the end of a product’s life cycle (recycling, composting, energy recovery, and landfilling). It refers to sustainable materials management – the use and reuse of materials in the most productive and sustainable way across their entire life cycle. Sustainable materials management conserves resources, reduces waste, and slows climate change.

We all generate waste. For some, it may be only waste paper or dirty water; for others, it may be hazardous or toxic wastes that require special handling and disposal.

It is costing us money and is destroying our environment.

In fact, we are paying for it twice: Once when we buy it and the second time when we throw it away.

Preventing waste will not only save us money but help our planet too.

By consuming and throwing away less, we reduce the need to handle and dispose of waste.

Systems like zero waste, which encourage recycling and reusing are helping cut down on the waste epidemic, but we all must to take a step as well.

Here are some simple ways to prevent waste:

  • 1. Avoid using disposable bags when shopping. If you have a small amount of items, carry items that you buy at the grocery store with your hands.  If you know you’re going to buy a lot of groceries, bring your own bags . This will help cut down on plastic waste.
  • 2. Donate your unused or unwanted goods rather than throwing them away. There are many organizations like the Salvation Army dedicated to receiving donations and reusing them. You can also use Craigslist to post free pickups for your unwanted items.
  • 3. Stop unwanted junk mail. SF Environment and many national has a organizations have a great “Stop Junk Mail Kits” available.
  • 4. Avoid individually wrapped items and snack packs. Buy in bigger sizes which have less wrapping and use less material.
  • 5. Buy Laundry Detergent and home cleaning products in more concentrated formulas. You will use less this way too.
  • 6. Compost food and yard waste.
  • 7. Buy recycled and biodegradable items.
  • 8. Buy in bulk when purchasing spices, cereals, grains,tea, even body lotions and avoid boxes and packages.
  • 9. Invest in a home water filter and avoid plastic bottles.
  • 10. Sell and but clothes in consignment and vintage stores.

Take a green step, and prevent waste, one green step at a time. The Earth will than you!

Save energy and money using cold water.
16 green spring-cleaning tips to simply your life.

Note: The content on our website is for educational purposes only. Please consult your health practitioner or a qualified expert before changing your diet.

1. “Climate Change and Waste.” EPA.gov. EPA, n.d. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.
2. “Human Footprint.” National Geographic. National Geographic, n.d. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.


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