Pipeline has spilled 176,000 gallons of oil near Dakota Access camp

Pipeline has spilled 176,000 gallons of oil near Dakota Access camp

Breaking news, as a pipeline has spilled 176,000 gallons of oil near Dakota Access camp.

The pipeline leak occurred just 2 1/2 hours from Cannon Ball, where the Dakota Access Pipeline protestors are camped out.

We have been covering the Dakota Access Pipeline for the past few months because it is an extremely important issue for our environment and for the well being of our planet.

If you haven’t heard about the Dakota Access Pipeline then here is some information on it.

The Dakota Access Pipeline is a new project that consists of an approximately 1,172 mile, 30-inch diameter pipeline that will connect North Dakota to Illinois. The pipeline will be used to transport crude oil.

The pipeline would cross the Missouri River, which is one of the largest water sources in the U.S., provides drinking water for millions.

The Great Sioux Nation, who live in the region, warn that an oil spill in the river would be detrimental to the water and overall health of their land.

We are pleased to report that the protestors finally have reason to celebrate, as the Obama administration decided not to approve an important permit for completing the pipeline.

This latest pipeline spill brings even more validity to the protests over the Dakota Access Pipeline.

North Dakota officials estimate over 176,000 gallons of crude oil leaked from the Belle Fourche Pipeline into the Ash Coulee Creek.

The leak was contained within a few hours of discovery, according to Wendy Owen, a spokeswoman for Casper, Wyoming-based True Cos., which operates the Belle Fourche pipeline.

The pipeline was shut down as soon as the leak was discovered. The pipeline is buried on a hill near Ash Coulee creek, and the “hillside sloughed,” which may have ruptured the line, she said.

Workers are now on site trying to clean up the damage. So far, about 37,000 gallons of oil has been recovered.

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Protestors have won in fight against Dakota Access Pipeline.
Actor Mark Ruffalo is fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Leonardo DiCaprio protests with Great Sioux Nation to stop Dakota Access Pipeline.

1. “Pipeline Spills 176,000 Gallons of Crude into Creek about 150 Miles from Dakota Access Protest Camp.” CNBC. CNBC, 12 Dec. 2016. Web. 13 Dec. 2016.

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