The awesome actor Mark Ruffalo is fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline, joining celebrities who are also protesting, including Leonardo DiCaprio.
You may have seen Mark Ruffalo as The Incredible Hulk in the Marvel Avengers movies, fighting bad guys and keeping the world safe. Now he is taking part in another fight — one to protect the Great Sioux Nation and the people of Standing Rock.
The Dakota Access Pipeline is a new project that consists of an approximately 1,172 mile, 30-inch diameter pipeline that will connect North Dakota to Illinois. The pipeline will be used to transport crude oil.
The pipeline would cross the Missouri River, which is one of the largest water sources in the U.S., provides drinking water for millions.
The Great Sioux Nation, who live in the region, warn that an oil spill in the river would be detrimental to the water and overall health of their land.
It is always great to see celebrities using their fame and power to give a voice to people who don’t have one. Mark Ruffalo has been one of the most outspoken celebrities for the #StopDAP campaign, which stands for Stop Dakota Access Pipeline.
Peaceful resistance. #NoDAPL #StandingRock
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) October 26, 2016
He is one of the founders of The Solutions Project, which is an organization that focuses on clean and renewable energy.
Mark recently presented the tribe leaders with mobile solar panels on trailer, bringing clean energy to the encampment where the protests are taking place.
“This pipeline is a black snake that traverses four states and 200 waterways with fracked Bakken oil,” said Ruffalo.
“We know from experience that pipelines leak, explode, pollute and poison land and water. But it doesn’t have to be that way.”
“Oil companies keep telling us that this is perfectly safe, but we’ve learned that that’s a lie: from 2012-2013 alone, there were 300 oil pipeline breaks in the state of North Dakota,” 13-year-old Anna Lee Rain YellowHammer wrote in a petition on behalf of Standing Rock. “With such a high chance that this pipeline will leak, I can only guess that the oil industry keeps pushing for it because they don’t care about our health and safety. It’s like they think our lives are more expendable than others.”
“Around the world, more than 80 percent of the forests and lands with protected waterways and rich biodiversity are held by indigenous tribes. This is no coincidence,” Ruffalo said. “As so many of us suffer from polluted water, air and land in our rural and urban communities, the water defenders at Standing Rock are showing us another way.”
Like Ruffalo and the Great Sioux Nation, we also truly believe that water is life. So cheers to all who are taking a stand. We continue to stand with you.
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1. “Leonardo DiCaprio Stands With Great Sioux Nation to Stop Dakota Access Pipeline.” EcoWatch. EcoWatch, n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2016.
2. “Jo Ellen Darcy : Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.”, n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2016.
3. “Dakota Access Pipeline.” Dakota Access Pipeline. Dakota Access Pipeline, n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2016.
4. “Actor Mark Ruffalo in North Dakota to Oppose Oil Pipeline.” The Big Story. The Big Story, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2016.
5. “Mark Ruffalo Delivers Solar Panels to Camp Where Thousands Are Fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline.” EcoWatch. EcoWatch, 27 Oct. 2016. Web. 28 Oct. 2016.