Tesla unveils solar roof and new home battery

Tesla unveils solar roof and new home battery

The future of solar panels and home power is here, as Tesla unveils solar roof and the Powerwall 2, which is their solar powered home battery.

The release of the new solar roof comes from the company’s acquisition of Solar City. The new Tesla roof is designed to replace normal roofing systems by harnessing energy from our sun.

While solar roofs are nothing new, what makes these ones different is the design. Instead of the conventional blue tinted panels that you see on the tops of some houses, these new panels will be virtually indistinguishable from non-solar roofs.

Just like with electric cars, which didn’t look good, had low range and didn’t have good performance, they looked like golf cars. People had a really hard time buying electric cars,” Elon Musk , CEO of Tesla told the crowd gathered at the announcement held at Universal Studios in Los Angeles. “Something similar needs to happen to solar. We need to make solar panels as appealing as electric cars have become.”

Musk debuted four houses in the presentation, with different styles of glass shingles. The first replicated a terra cotta finish, the second mirrored a French slate style, the third looked similar to a typical gray, textured suburban roof, while the fourth had a more futuristic, sleek look.









Elon Musk believes that soon, every house in neighborhoods would soon be solar, and with the new sleek designs, why not?

Over time, every house would be a solar house,” Musk said. “It’s a neighborhood where the aesthetics get better over time. You’ll want to call your neighbors over and say, ‘Check out the sweet roof.’”

The new Powerwall 2.0

While the solar roof stole the show, the Powerwall 2.0 is pretty remarkable as well. The new home rechargeable battery is meant to complement the roof as part of an effort to “create a clear picture of how a combined Tesla and SolarCity will make solar and storage as compelling as electric vehicles,” Musk wrote in a statement on his company’s website.

Many tech experts are calling the Powerwall 2.0 a game changer. It has over twice the energy storage as the first generation, with 14kWh capacity. Musk revealed that the Powerwall 2 would have enough juice to power lights, sockets, and the fridge for a standard 4 bedroom house for an entire day.

We applaud Elon Musk and the amazing employees at Tesla for fighting to save the environment and reverse climate change.

Watch the full presentation below:


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1. “Elon Musk Unveils Tesla’s Solar Roof and It’s Getting Mixed Reviews From the Public.” Nature World News. Nature World News, 02 Nov. 2016. Web. 02 Nov. 2016.
2. “Tesla Just Unveiled Its New At-home Battery – Here’s What You Need to Know.” Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 31 Oct. 2016. Web. 02 Nov. 2016.
3. “Update on Tesla’s Combination with SolarCity.” Tesla. Tesla, 12 Oct. 2016. Web. 02 Nov. 2016.
4. “Elon Musk Unveils Shingles That Could Finally Make Rooftop Solar Sexy.” The Huffington Post. HuffingtonPost.com, n.d. Web. 2 Nov. 2016.
5. “Tesla’s Powerwall 2 Packs over Twice the Energy Storage.” TechCrunch. TechCrunch, 28 Oct. 2016. Web. 02 Nov. 2016.

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