The Avengers stars are fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline

The Avengers stars are fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline

We reported a few weeks back that actor Mark Ruffalo was joining the people of Standing Rock to fight the Dakota Access Pipeline. Now he is bringing some of his superhero friends along, as the Avengers stars are fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline as well.

The Dakota Access Pipeline is a new project that consists of an approximately 1,172 mile, 30-inch diameter pipeline that will connect North Dakota to Illinois. The pipeline will be used to transport crude oil.

The pipeline would cross the Missouri River, which is one of the largest water sources in the U.S., provides drinking water for millions.

The Great Sioux Nation, who live in the region, warn that an oil spill in the river would be detrimental to the water and overall health of their land.

It is always great to see celebrities using their fame and power to give a voice to people who don’t have one.

It is always great to see celebrities using their fame and power to give a voice to people who don’t have one. Mark Ruffalo has been one of the most outspoken celebrities for the #StopDAP campaign, which stands for Stop Dakota Access Pipeline.

Chris Evans, the A-list actor who plays Captain America in the Marvel Avengers movies tweeted the following about the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Samuel L. Jackson, one of America’s most well known actors is also in support of the #NoDAPL movement. He plays Nick Fury in the Avengers movies. He recently posted a video on his Instagram account explaining the following: “I’m Samuel L. Jackson, and I acknowledge the First Peoples of America. I stand for their right to clean water, and today, I stand with Standing Rock.”

I'm saying #nodapl and @barackobama should too! Sign the petition and #standwithstandingrock

A video posted by Samuel L Jackson (@samuelljackson) on

Mark Ruffalo, who plays The Hulk in the movies continues to be on the forefront, recently posting the following video on his instagram account urging our POTUS Barack Obama to say no to the pipeline.

Chris Hemsworth, who plays Thor has also stepped up for the #NoDAPL campaign.

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Actor Mark Ruffalo is fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Leonardo DiCaprio protests with Great Sioux Nation to stop Dakota Access Pipeline.
Leonardo DiCaprio’s gala raised $40 million for the environment.

1. “‘The Avengers’ Stars Band Together to Stand With Standing Rock.” Entertainment Tonight. Entertainment Tonight, n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2016.
2. “The Avengers Assemble to Support Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters.” People. People, 05 Nov. 2016. Web. 07 Nov. 2016.

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