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Can exercise add years to your life?
One of the most common goals set for is usually a pledge to go to the gym regularly. We all want a flat stomach and toned up arms and legs. There is even more motivation coming our way: People who engage in moderate-to-vigorous exercise 2.5 hours weekly live longer. […]
Cucumber and blueberry New Year detox infused water
This cucumber and blueberry New Year detox infused water is a refreshing drink to help you leave toxins from last year behind and move forward. It is the time of year where everyone is making their resolutions to eat healthier and to get ready for that summer body. After all […]
Lemon ginger New Year detox water
This lemon ginger New Year detox water is such a refreshing way to rid your body of all the bad stuff and to get a new start. It is the time of year where the gyms are packed and everyone is making their resolutions to eat healthier and to get […]