Post Tagged with: "University of Missouri"

Probiotics reduce stress levels and anxiety

Probiotics reduce stress levels and anxiety

Probiotics reduce stress levels and anxiety, according to the latest research from University of Missouri. Probiotics are microorganisms, often called ‘good bacteria.’ They are found in various fresh and fermented foods. Probiotics are believed to be essential to digestive and gut health because they maintain and balance essential bacteria in […]

by November 29, 2016
Can a high protein breakfast help with weight loss?

Can a high protein breakfast help with weight loss?

Eating a healthy breakfast is a very important step to optimal health. Previous research has shown that protein in breakfast can prevent blood sugar spikes. New research from the University of Missouri shows that proteins benefits in breakfast may extend further. Can a high protein breakfast help with weight loss? […]

by August 20, 2015
Protein in breakfast prevents blood sugar spikes

Protein in breakfast prevents blood sugar spikes

Persons with type 2 diabetes have a difficult time managing their blood sugar levels. New research from the University of Missouri shows that high protein in breakfast prevents blood sugar spikes. “People often assume that their glucose response at one meal will be identical to their responses at other meals, […]

by May 13, 2015
Eating breakfast reduces food cravings

Eating breakfast reduces food cravings

Eating breakfast reduces food cravings According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), many teens skip breakfast, which increases chance of obesity. Statistics show that obesity has become an epidemic amongst teens over the past three years. Now, research from the University of Missouri shows that eating breakfast […]

by January 8, 2015