Post Tagged with: "sugar"

Are you addicted to sugar?

Are you addicted to sugar?

Sugar is something we consume every day. Sometimes it is in foods and we don’t even realize it. Many times sugar is the main ingredient in the food we eat. Every once in a while, we get an uncontrollable urge to indulge our sweet cravings, and sometimes we have the […]

by February 9, 2021
Credit: © showcake / Fotolia

3 healthier alternatives to white sugar

Because of the health dangers of sugar, we are giving you 3 healthier alternatives to white sugar that are natural and unprocessed. Excess sugar intake is linked to many health problems. Recent research has shown that high sugar intake can greatly increase heart disease risk, and a new MRI technique even […]

by September 18, 2017
Credit: © bubutu / Fotolia

Eating sugar while pregnant is linked to allergies

Eating sugar while pregnant is linked to allergies in children, according to a new study from researchers at Queen Mary University of London. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates that around 40 million people in the United States alone suffer from seasonal allergies, known also by the common name […]

by July 20, 2017
Coca-Cola sweetens Coke Life with stevia in a healthy marketing attempt

Coca-Cola sweetens Coke Life with stevia in a healthy marketing attempt

Eating organic foods is key to optimal health. One of the golden rules for healthy foods is that if the food is processed so not real, then it is not good for you. Sodas are not good for you. Many studies have shown they can cause health risks due to […]

by July 3, 2014