Post Tagged with: "Study Supports Detrimental Effects of Television Viewing on Sleep in Young Children"

6 reasons children get headaches and how to help them

6 reasons children get headaches and how to help them

Healthy living is all about the hair and skin care you use, the natural solutions to take care of your home and garden, and last but not least, the steps you take to keep your children healthy and happy. As the school year quickly approaches, parents will start to hear […]

by September 20, 2014
Why are your kids not getting enough sleep?

Why are your kids not getting enough sleep?

Do not ignore the power of a good night’s sleep. Quality sleep has become somewhat of a rarity these days. Sometimes, it is easy to believe that you can get by without an adequate amount of rest, but a lack of sleep can contribute to health risks in the long […]

by September 13, 2014
Detrimental effects of watching television on sleep in young children

Detrimental effects of watching television on sleep in young children

Do not ignore the power of a good night’s sleep. Quality sleep has become somewhat of a rarity these days. Sometimes, it is easy to believe that you can get by without an adequate amount of rest, but a lack of sleep can contribute to health risks in the long […]

by April 23, 2014