Turmeric beats traditional treatment for brain cancer, according to recent medical research.
It is safe to say, there is no spice in the world known by scientists that is more powerful for health than turmeric. There are so many reasons why you should eat turmeric every day.
Turmeric has received a lot of attention lately due to the power of social media and the overwhelming number of studies on the potent spice.
MEDLINE, the medical study database for example has over 10,000 studies on turmeric alone.
The study on turmeric for treating brain cancer reported the following:
The authors concluded:
In other words, turmeric showed promise in treating glioblastoma, which is a deadly form of brain cancer.
The turmeric beats traditional treatment for brain cancer was published in the journal Medical Oncology.
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800 reasons why you should eat turmeric every day.
Turmeric may kill cancer without harming patients.
For a turmeric cancer prevention tea.
1. “Spice Beats Chemo, Radiation, Surgery for Brain Cancer, Studies Suggest.” GreenMedInfo.com. GreenMedInfo.com, n.d. Web. 01 Sept. 2016.
2. “Investigating the Therapeutic Role and Molecular Biology of Curcumin as a Treatment for Glioblastoma.” Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology. SAGE Publications, July 2016. Web. 01 Sept. 2016.