Spring detox drink

Spring detox drink

Spring is here and it is the perfect time to detox with the right foods.

We love natural recipes as we know they work, are good for us and key to optimal health. This spring detox drink is packed with ingredients that contain healing and detoxifying properties.

At a glance:


The leaves of the plant possess detoxifying properties. Cilantro binds to heavy metals in the bloodstream and purifies organs and blood. It has a potent biochemical content that includes citric acid, phytic acid, and amphoteric electrolytes.

It will help you cleanse and detox and stimulate digestive assimilation. It is known for liver detox.


It is a superstar and is recommended in most detox diet plans as a cleanser. It has cleansing properties that help aid digestion, regulate body fluid by acting as a diuretic and curb sweet cravings.  The Luteolin found in celery has been shown to be highly effective against inflammation and cancer.

Spring detox drink recipe:

In 1/2 cup of filtered water blend:

1 or 2 organic carrots (optional)

1/2 organic red bell pepper

1/3 cup loosely packed organic cilantro

1 organic apple (seeded)

4 organic celery stalks (you can add up to 6 sprigs)

1 organic orange peeled

Make sure all the ingredients are organic.

You can drink this once day for up to 1 week. For a more liquid version you can blend in more water, up to 1 and 1/2 cup.

As always: Talk to your health practitioner or nutritionist before starting a detox.


Combine this spring detox with a ginger detox bath and you are on your way to great health!

Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.

For a detox bath recipe.

For the spring detox recipe #2.

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