Credit: © meteo021 / Fotolia

Credit: © meteo021 / Fotolia

Skin cancer-fighting brussel sprouts and cucumber juice

This skin cancer-fighting brussel sprouts and cucumber juice is perfect for these summer months when we love to hit the beach and have fun in the sun.

Skin cancer describes a group of different cancers that affect the skin, including basal cell carcinoma and melanoma. During the summer months, it is particularly important to be aware of skin cancer risks.

Nearly 5 million people in the US are treated for skin cancer annually. In the most recent statistics from the year 2006, 3.5 million cases were diagnosed in 2.2 million people.

The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends prevention tips including: selecting the right sunscreen, avoid tanning beds and UV tanning beds, and covering up from the sun with clothing. It is also recommended to check yourself regularly and get examined by a doctor once a year for skin cancer.

Let’s take a closer look at the ingredients in this skin cancer-fighting brussel sprouts and cucumber juice.

Apples contain flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Both chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are considered major factors for the development of cancer, and the flavonoids combat both of these factors.

Brussel sprouts:
They are part of the cruciferous vegetable family. This family is known for compounds called glucosinolates, which have potent anti-cancer properties.

They are an excellent source of caffeic acid and vitamin C, two antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties that help fight oxidative stress and reduce signs of aging. Cucumbers are also packed with water, which means better skin, better hydration, and better removal of toxins from the body.

It contains bromelain, which is well known now as a potent cancer-fighting antioxidant.

It is packed with chlorophyll and carotene amongst other antioxidants, all of which are beneficial for fighting many types of cancers include skin.


Process the following ingredients in a juicer:

1 brussel sprout
1 cucumber
2 apples
1/4 of a pineapple
2 cups of spinach

Make sure ingredients are organic
Enjoy this skin cancer-fighting brussel sprouts and cucumber juice!

Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.

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FDA has approved a new daily pill for skin cancer.
Cucumber lime skin cancer prevention juice.
Skin cancer rates continue to rise.

1. “Skin Cancer Facts.” Skin Cancer Foundation. Skin Cancer Foundation, n.d. Web. 7 Jun. 2017.
2. “Prevention Guidelines.” Skin Cancer Foundation. Skin Cancer Foundation, n.d. Web. 7 Jun. 2017.
3. “Juicing Recipe: Flower Power.” Juice Recipes. Juice Recipes, n.d. Web. 07 June 2017.
4. “Bromelain in Pineapples Helps in Cancer Treatment.”, n.d. Web. 07 June 2017.
5. “Eat Your Brussel Sprouts! The Little round Superfood Has Cancer-fighting Potential.”, 24 Dec. 2014. Web. 07 June 2017.

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