Seasonal allergy syrup remedy

Seasonal allergy syrup remedy

Allergy season is in full swing.

As a guide we gave you a natural prescription on how to alleviate seasonal allergies and we think this syrup will be a good complement.

This is a potent allergy fighter in a jar. Made with pure and organic products, it is is armed with nature’s very best.

It will help you build endurance against allergens, soothe sore throat and dry cough too.

The bee pollen can help the body build up a resistance to allergens by lowering the body’s sensitivity to pollen. It is like vaccination of some sort.

When combined, honey and cinnamon are a powerful anti-inflammatory duo. They will boost your immune system to help your body fight allergens.

Honey will soothe your throat too.

As a medicinal root, ginger will alleviate congestion and minimize mucous production.

Seasonal Allergy Syrup Remedy

Allergy season syrup recipe:

  • 1 tsp cinnamon
    1 tsp grated ginger
    1 tsp lemon juice
    1 tbsp raw honey (omit, if vegan or allergic)
    1/2 teaspoon bee pollen (omit, if vegan or allergic)

Note: Make sure all the ingredients are organic.

Drink during allergy season or when under the weather.

You can take this syrup 2 times daily or as recommended by your health expert.

Start slowly with the bee pollen and watch for side effects.

As always: Consult your health practitioner and use with caution

We recommend Living Tree Community Foods as a reputable source  for the bee pollen and raw honey.

Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.

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For an allergy season smoothie recipe.

For a potent allergy fighter tea recipe.

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