Real vitamin lemon water

Real vitamin lemon water

Eating organic foods and drinking healthy drinks are keys to optimal health. We love making our your own vitamin waters. You control the taste and flavor and they are inexpensive. To top if off, they are free of artificial sweeteners. This real vitamin lemon water recipe includes lemon which is packed with vitamin C, which will help boost your immune system and help you detox at the same time.

This is an easy, simple and inexpensive recipe!

First select the flavor of your choice

Lemon or lime: Use the juice of one organic lemon or organic lime and add a few slices (optional)

Lemon Mint: Use the juice of one organic lemon and add about 5 organic mint sprigs

Sliced lemons: Use 5 organic lemons slices

Blueberries, Lychee, lemon and mint: Use 1/3 cup of organic blueberries, the juice of ½ an organic lemon, a few organic mint sprigs and 2 or 3 organic lychees

Regardless of the flavor:

Use a BPA-Free pitcher or jar, add 3 cups of filtered water and the fruits of your choice.

If you do not like mint you can use rosemary or thyme instead.

Let the mixture infuse in the fridge for at least one hour

The vitamin water can keep up to 2 days

Make sure to use organic foods and filtered water in this recipe


Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.

For a lemon water recipe.

For a raspberry mint water recipe.


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