Lemons are often used in detox diets because of their ability to aid in digestion, clean the system, and flush out unwanted toxins from the body. These toxins mainly develop and build up in our body because of poor diet choices, negative attitude and a sedentary lifestyle.
This master cleanse detox was created by Stanley Burroughs back in the 1940s, and was published in 1976 in his book The Master Cleanser. People who have done this Master Cleanse reported weight loss, better sleep, better mood, and even the absence of past addictions.
We wanted to share it with you.
Lets take a close look at this potent lemon water detox:
The master cleanse diet is a routine that requires ten days of drinking a special lemonade that includes lemons, organic pure maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and filtered water.
These are the recommendations:
1. During the ten days, no food can be eaten.
2. Whenever hungry, drink the lemonade.
3. In the mornings and evenings, you must drink salt-water to make sure that all the remaining waste in the intestines is flushed out.
After each day, you will start to feel more confidence about your control over your own diet.
5. After the 10 days are over, you must slowly ease yourself back into eating food again.
6. It is suggested to start off with fresh vegetable or fruit juices, and then slowly introduce whole fruits and vegetables back into your diet.
7. Make sure you drink plenty of filtered water and CONSULT A HEALTH PRACTITIONER BEFORE STARTING THIS DETOX.
NOTE: You can also do this detox by eating organic raw vegetables and fruits.
Some people have experienced great results by only removing all processed foods and refined sugars from their diet, yet eating fresh foods in moderate quantity.
Potent lemon water cleanse
2 tbsps. of lemon juice
2 tbsps. of pure organic maple syrup
a dash of cayenne pepper
10 ounces of water
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Please consult your health practitioner or a qualified expert before changing your diet.
DO NOT start this cleanse if you re taking any medication, are pregnant or breastfeeding. Please talk to your doctor first.
For the health benefits of lemons.
For the health benefits of cayenne pepper.
1. “Lemon Detox Diet.” PositiveMed.com. PositiveMed, 26 Apr. 2013. Web. 08 Aug. 2013.
2. “Master Cleanse.” Web. 21 Aug. 2013