Why you must eat fruit while pregnant
By now it is well known that eating fruits and vegetables is great for overall health. Studies have shown that eating more fruits and vegetables daily can reduce stroke risk and so much more. But can eating these foods also benefit your unborn child? Let’s take a look at why you must eat fruit while pregnant.
The new study from EbioMedicine, found that expectant mothers who ate more fruit during pregnancy gave birth to children who performed better in developmental tests at 1 year old.
“We wanted to know if we could identify what factors affect cognitive development,” explained Piush Mandhane, senior author of the study and associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. “We found that one of the biggest predictors of cognitive development was how much fruit moms consumed during pregnancy. The more fruit moms had, the higher their child’s cognitive development.”
The researchers used the traditional IQ scale as a model for the study, and the findings showed that mothers who ate fruit had children that scored 7 to 8 points higher on the scale.
“It’s quite a substantial difference–that’s half of a standard deviation,” Mandhane explains. “We know that the longer a child is in the womb, the further they develop–and having one more serving of fruit per day in a mother’s diet provides her baby with the same benefit as being born a whole week later.”
While the results of the study are promising, Mandhane warns not to go overboard on fruit consumption, but instead stick with the recommended daily intake set by your doctor or health practitioner.
The study showing why you must eat fruit while pregnant was published in the journal EbioMedicine.
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1. “An Apple a Day…” University of Alberta. University of Alberta, n.d. Web. 30 May 2016.
2. “Cognitive Enhancement in Infants Associated with Increased Maternal Fruit Intake During Pregnancy: Results from a Birth Cohort Study with Validation in an Animal Model.” EbioMedicine. EbioMedicine, n.d. Web. 30 May 2016.