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Credit: © karras6079 / Fotolia

Too much sunscreen may be causing vitamin D deficiency epidemic

Too much sunscreen may be causing vitamin D deficiency epidemic, according to the latest research from the American Osteopathic Association.

The researchers believe that nearly 1 billion people worldwide may have deficient vitamin D levels because of chronic disease and not enough sun exposure due to overuse of sunscreen.

People are spending less time outside and, when they do go out, they’re typically wearing sunscreen, which essentially nullifies the body’s ability to produce vitamin D,” said Kim Pfotenhauer, DO, assistant professor at Touro University and a researcher on this study. “While we want people to protect themselves against skin cancer, there are healthy, moderate levels of unprotected sun exposure that can be very helpful in boosting vitamin D.”

Checking your vitamin D status is important. “Ideally, you want to maintain a vitamin D level of 40 to 60 ng/ml year-round,” said Dr. Mercola, a leading health expert and physician. “Based on mounting research, 40 ng/ml appears to be the “magic” number at which a whole host of health benefits are reaped.”

Vitamin D deficiency is linked to many conditions, including heart disease, stroke, hypertension, autoimmune conditions, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and so much more.

Add to this list cancers, including cancers of the: breast, colon, ovaries, prostate, esophagus, lymphatic, and melanoma.

It is not too difficult to increase your vitamin D levels. You can simply spend 5-30 minutes in the sun without sunscreen, the researchers suggest. The amount of time you spend in the sun without sunscreen will vary depending on your skin color and geographic location.

You don’t need to go sunbathing at the beach to get the benefits,” said Dr. Pfotenhauer. “A simple walk with arms and legs exposed is enough for most people.”

Of course, if you are spending a prolonged amount of time in the sun, you should use sunscreen. If you need help on selecting the best sunscreen for you, check out our tips.

To get your daily dose of vitamin D it is recommended to do the following:

‣ Eat Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon
‣ Take Vitamin D supplements
‣ Get daily exposure to sun

The study showing that too much sunscreen may be causing vitamin D deficiency epidemic was published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association.

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Vitamin D cuts cancer risk by up to 67 percent.
Vitamin D may help prevent atherosclerosis and diabetes.
Do you want to avoid colds and flu? You may need more of this vitamin.

1. “Widespread Vitamin D Deficiency Likely Due to Sunscreen Use, Increase of Chronic Diseases.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, n.d. Web. 02 May 2017.
2. “Vitamin D Deficiency, Its Role in Health and Disease, and Current Supplementation Recommendations.” The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. American Osteopathic Association, 01 May 2017. Web. 02 May 2017.
3. “Raising Your Vitamin D Level May Slash Your Cancer Risk.”, n.d. Web. 02 May 2017.

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