Maca powder libido enhancer tea

Maca powder libido enhancer tea

Maca is often called “nature’s viagra” for both men and women and is known to boost energy.

This Maca powder libido enhancer tea will also reduce anxiety. A win-win!

Peruvian Maca powder tea is potent.

Maca is a plant native to the high Andes of Peru. It is part of the mustard family, and is also known as “Peruvian Ginseng” because of its medicinal properties. Of all plants grown in the Andes its nutritional value is among the highest.

Instructions for this Maca powder libido enhancer tea:

Mix 1 tsp of maca powder with 2 cups of warm water

Add 1 tbsp of raw honey

A pinch of cinnamon


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For more on Peruvian Maca Root.

You can find good raw Maca powder at Living Tree Community Foods.

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