Homemade ginger ale

Homemade ginger ale

A healthy homemade ginger ale recipe that is easy to make and will save you money.

This homemade ginger ale recipe will replace the refined sugar filled ones that are found in stores, and will provide many benefits to your body.

Ginger is a spicy, aromatic herb with many health benefits. It is great for soothing many stomach ailments, aids with digestion, is effective against nausea and vomiting. It also contains potent compounds called gingerols, which may help fight colon cancer.

Ginger’s powerful antioxidants help boost the immune system.

Lemon: It is a natural diuretic and will increase the rate of urination. As a result, lemons help clean our urinary tract and free it of infections. It is also believed to aid in the dissolution of gallstones. The vitamin C in lemons cleanses the liver by removing toxin build up. Lemons aid in digestion and remove toxins in the lymph glands, colon, and bladder.

Sea salt and Himalayan pink salt are two healthier options than table salt. What makes them healthier is the way that they are gathered. Both sea salt and Himalayan salt are unprocessed and additive-free, just the way nature intended.

The best thing about is it will be packed with beneficial enzymes and natural probiotics.

A. Homemade ginger ale recipe:


A 1-2 inch piece of fresh ginger root, minced.

Adjust this to taste.

½ cup of organic sugar or rapadura sugar.

If using plain sugar, add 1 tablespoon molasses for flavor and minerals.

½ cup fresh lemon or lime juice

½ tsp sea salt or himalayan salt

8 cups filtered water


Make a “wort”(soda like base)  for your ginger ale by placing 3 cups of the water, minced ginger root, sugar and salt in a pot and bring to a boil.

Simmer for about five minutes until sugar is dissolved and mixture starts to smell like ginger.

Remove from heat and add additional water.

Allow to cool to room temperature.

Add the fresh lemon or lime juice and ginger bug* (or whey)

A ginger bug is a culture of beneficial bacteria made from fresh ginger root and sugar.

B. Ginger bug* recipe:


1-2 fresh ginger root

½ cup white sugar (important for starting the culture. Honey, stevia or other sweeteners will not work)

2 cups of filtered water

Quart size mason jar


Finely chop 1 inch piece of organic ginger root (no need to peel).

Place the ginger in a quart size mason jar and add 3 Tbsp organic white sugar.

Add 2 cups of filtered water to the mason jar.

Stir with a wooden spoon and cover with a light “breathable” fabric and rubber band.

Stir the mixture for 5 days once a day and add 1 Tbsp of chopped ginger root and 1 tsp of sugar.

If there are bubbles forming around the top, then the culture is active and “fizzes” when stirred.

If mold appears on the top, scrape it off if.

It the mold keeps reappearing, you will need to start over.

C. Final step:

Transfer the final mixture to a 2 quart glass mason jar, stir well and put lid on.

Leave on counter 3 days until carbonated.

Store in the fridge. It will keep indefinitely.

Note: Using whey will cause it to ferment more quickly and will take less time.

It should bubble like a soda  when the lid is removed.

As with any fermented drink, it is more of an art than a science as it depends on the strength of your culture, the temperature of the house and the kind of sugar used.

The final mixture should smell of ginger and slightly of yeast/fermentation and should be fizzy.

Watch carefully that it doesn’t become too carbonated and may result in an exploding jar!

For the health benefits of ginger.

For the health benefits of lemons.

Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.


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  1. Pingback: Many reasons to eat ginger

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