Foods that fight asthma

Foods that fight asthma

    • Asthma is  is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by recurring symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.  Although there is no proven diet to cure asthma, there are foods that we can eat to help relieve or reduce symptoms.
    • Omega-3 fatty acids:
    • Studies at the University of Maryland Medical Center suggest that Omega-3 fatty acids may be able to reduce asthma symptoms. Omega-3s fight asthma because of their ability to reduce inflammation in the body. Goods sources of omega-3s include wild salmon, flaxseed, Chia seeds and nuts.
    • Veggies & fruits:
    • We all know how nutritious fruits and vegetables are. They may even be able to help with asthma symptoms. Fruits and veggies contain antioxidants and vitamins that boost the immune system. With a stronger immune system, our bodies become better at preventing diseases and infections. Fruits and vegetables also help with lung functions.
    • Fruits rich in vitamin C such as oranges, all berries “especially strawberries” and melons are champions when it comes to combating asthma.
    • Likewise, vitamin C rich vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, and bell peppers help  fight asthma symptoms.
    • Whole grains:
    • Whole grains contain a numerous amount of nutrient and fiber.The most prominent is fiber. Including fiber rich whole grains in our daily diets can help with weight loss.
    •  When weight gain goes above healthy levels, the risk of asthma increases. Carney Hospital recommends a diet rich in whole grains to promote a healthy immune system and effective weight management.
    • Gingko biloba:
    • Gingko biloba can help prevent and reduce the symptoms of bronchitis and asthma, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
    • For the health benefits of chia seeds.



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