5 reasons to hit the gym other than weight loss

5 reasons to hit the gym other than weight loss

Halfway into the year, many of us are still trying to keep up with resolutions. The gym is packed now with people attempting to hit their weight loss goals. However there are many other benefits to exercising. Let’s take a look at 5 reasons to hit the gym other than weight loss.

1. New gym partners:
Exercising can be boring when you are by yourself. But when you are with friends, it makes things much more interesting. You can challenge each other and push each other to get into better shape. Also, you can hold each other accountable. The gym is a great place to meet new people, as most people in the gym share similar goals.

2. Better sleep:
Sleep has been one of the biggest subjects of medical research recently. Scientists are discovering more every day about how good sleep is for you. Research from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center shows that morning exercise can help improve quality of sleep in women.

3. Brain health:
Exercise doesn’t just benefit the body, but it can also benefit the mind. Recent research shows that exercise can enhance brain health and plasticity, which is the ability of the brain to change over time.

4. Better sex:
Being in shape can give much more confidence, because it is an important step to being the best version of you. A study from Cedars-Sinai showed that exercise is linked to improved erectile and sexual function in men.

5. Energy boost:
Exercising early in the morning is one of the best ways to start your day. It gives you energy to start the day and increases productivity.

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1. “6 Reasons To Hit The Gym That Have Nothing To Do With Losing Weight.” The Huffington Post. HuffingtonPost.com, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2016.
2. “Morning Exercise May Help Sleep.” Msnbc.com. NBC News, 24 Nov. 2003. Web. 30 Jan. 2016.
3. “Exercise Linked to Improved Erectile and Sexual Function in Men.” Newswise. Cedars-Sinai, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2016.
4. “Brain Plasticity: How Learning Changes Your Brain.” SharpBrains. SharpBrains, 26 Feb. 2008. Web. 30 Jan. 2016.

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