How to prevent fur loss in dogs naturally

How to prevent fur loss in dogs naturally

  • We love our pets, and it is our responsibility to make sure they are healthy and happy.
  • We have some great tips on how to prevent fur loss in dogs.
  • Hair loss in dogs can indicate any number of medical problems, including the following:
  •  Mites
  • Ticks
  • Dermatitis
  • Poor diet
  • Stress (common in newly rescued dogs, if you have a new baby or if you have moved in anew home).
  • There are many ways to prevent hair loss in dogs.
  • Topical treatments are a great way to start. Coconut oil has been used for many years as a treatment for hair loss in humans, and works on dogs too. It contains an ingredient called linolenic acid, which fights hair loss and kills fleas.
  • Coconut oil treatment:
  • Warm about 2 Tbsps at a time of coconut oil in your hands.
  • Rub the oil into the affected area of your dog.
  • Put a sweater on your dog for a day or overnight so the oil can penetrate and to prevent to dog from licking it off (although it is safe for the dog if it does lick it).
  • Repeat every day for 5 days.
  • Lemon juice treatment:
  • Due to its powerful antiseptic and healing properties, Lemon juice can kill the bacteria that causes hair loss and skin problems in dogs.
  • Place a slice of lemon in warm water and leave it in for a few hours.
  • Strain and apply the tonic as a rinse or a spot treatment.
  • Soap treatment:
  • Wash your dog with Dr. Bronners unscented baby castile liquid soap.
  • Tip: Add 1tsp of organic coconut oil to the soap
  • Always brush your dog after bathing.
  • Make sure not to over-bathe, as a dry fur can cause hair loss.
  • Diet:
  • Tip #1: Include in your dogs meal: 1 raw organic egg and 1 tbsp of organic olive oil, twice a week.
  • Eggs are packed with biotin, which helps prevent hair loss.
  • Tip #2: Mix a tsp of flaxseed oil in your dogs’ normal meal. Flaxseed oil is full of omega-3s, which are great for reducing inflammation and preventing hair loss.
  • Tip #3: Give fish oil in supplement form to you dog.
  • Please make sure your check with your veterinarian to find out what the fish oil supplement dosage is for your dog according to its weight and breed. Check with your  veterinarian before you change your dog’s diet and see if this is right for him. 
  • For the medicinal properties of coconut oil.
  • For the health benefits of olive oil.
  • For the health benefits of lemons. 
  • For the health benefits of flaxseeds. 


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