sweet potato souffle

sweet potato souffle

Sweet potato soufflé

  •  This sweet potato soufflé recipe is made of fresh, organic and pure ingredients.
  • Let’s take a close look at this sweet potato souffle your whole family will love!
  • Coconuts:
  • The nectar made from coconuts is a great replacement for traditional sweeteners because it is lower in fructose and has a low glycemic index of 35-40.
  • It also has 20% less fructose than agave.
  • This means that they do not cause major spikes in blood sugar.  
  • Oranges:
  • These delicious citrus fruits are an ideal source for vitamin C, which will boost your immune system.
  • Raw honey:
  • It is nature’s treasure and is rich in antioxidants and antibacterial properties. It has shown the ability to relieve coughs, boost the immune system, aid in skin and hair health, and so much more.
  • Sweet potatoes:
  • They are an excellent source of vitamin A and beta-carotene, which are two key antioxidants for overall health. Sweet potatoes have anti-inflammatory properties, and may help with regulating blood sugar.
  • Sweet potato souffle recipe:
  • 4 sweet potatoes, chunked ( you can also add 1 yam to give it an extra orangy color)
  • 1 orange, juiced
  • 1 tbsp of raw honey
  • 1/2 a cup of coconut milk
  • 2 tbsps of coconut nectar
  • 6 walnuts (optional)
  • Directions:
  • Boil potatoes until soft
  • Mash them
  • Add orange juice, honey and milk
  • Put in a casserole dish
  • Pour coconut nectar on top
  • Bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees
  • Sprinkle walnuts on top
  • Make sure ingredients are organic.
  • Enjoy!
  • Note: Low glycemic foods rank 0-55, medium GI 56-69, and high glycemic foods rank 70-100 on the GI scale.
  • Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.DON’T FORGET to sign up for our weekly newsletter to get our latest articles, updates, free recipes and giveaways.
  • For the medicinal properties of coconut oil.
  • For raw honey the healing treasure.


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