Living Tree Community Foods launches an organic olive oil flavored with crimson oranges

Living Tree Community Foods launches an organic olive oil flavored with crimson oranges

We are pleased to share with you another exceptional olive oil from our friends at Living Tree Community Foods (LTCF).

What started with one successful product, has evolved on to a manufacturing house for 180 different products.

The company’s flagship is the Raw Almond ButterLTCF is branching out and is making more products such as the Absolut Almond Butter Bar, the Berkeley Buzz Butter,Organic Quinoa Crisp Brazil Nut Bliss,Organic Pecan Pie Chocolate Butter and Alive Kalamata olive oil to name a few.

Living Tree Community Foods has just launched an organic olive oil flavored with crimson oranges. The oil has a unique summery, citrusy and refreshing flavor.

The olives and the oranges are co-milled to bring you an exceptional product.

Co-milling results in a higher quality product and is very different from plain infusing.

This oil is ideal and will be and ideal addition to summer salads, fish and vegetable dishes. It can also be used  for baking and desserts.

It is ecstatic on vanilla ice cream and with chocolatey flavors,” shares Jesse Schwartz CEO and founder of Living Tree Community Foods.

This delicious oil is made from Mission variety olives and are grown by family farmer Darro Greco on a 100% certified organic estate called The Berkeley Olive Grove.

It was founded in 1913 by a group of professors from the University of California at Berkeley. They researched very thoroughly and brought experts from Europe to create an olive grove that would sustain itself. The grove is located in the Sacramento Valley, 150 miles from the town of Berkeley. Water naturally percolates from an underground aquifer. The trees are 100 years old and are dry farmed.

We are also pleased to include a video about award winning master orchardist Darro Grieco. He is an award winning California olive grower.

Living Tree Community Foods Megan Heskett, Operations Manager, conducts a thorough  interview.

For the Youtube click on the picture.

Grieco manages the historic Berkeley Olive Grove and produces the very best of olive oils.


For more on Living Tree Community Foods.


Organic Olive Oil Flavored with Crimson Oranges ($18.99)

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