List of the top powerhouse foods

List of the top powerhouse foods

  • Our motto is: Eating organic foods is key to optimal health.
  • Fresh organic foods like vegetables and fruits are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • These nutrients keep our immune systems in top shape so our bodies can fight disease.
  • The antioxidants in foods also prevent oxidative stress and reduce signs of aging.
  • Eating more fresh vegetables is one of the simplest choices you can make to improve your health and ward off countless chronic diseases,” says Dr. Joseph Mercola, a leading physician and health & nutrition expert.
  • To a large extent, the best vegetables for you are those that appeal to your palate and agree with you. I highly recommend listening to your body, in that the foods you eat, including vegetables, should leave you feeling satisfied and energized,” Mercola adds.
  • Jennifer Di Noia, PhD, a researcher from William Patterson University set out to analyze the levels of nutrition in foods that are believed to be key in preventing heart disease and cancer.
  • She narrowed it down to the following 17 essential nutrients:
  • Potassium     
  • Fiber  
  • Protein
  • Calcium         
  • Iron    
  • Thiamin
  • Riboflavin      
  • Niacin
  • Folate
  • Zinc    
  • Vitamin A      
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12  
  • Vitamin C      
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E      
  • Vitamin K
  • The study analyzed 47 fruits and vegetables on the density of the nutrients they contained. The fruits and vegetables were then given a score based on their nutrient density. The higher the score, the denser these foods were in the 17 essential nutrients listed above. The study was released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • Let’s take a look at the scores of these organic foods:
  • Item Nutrient Density Score
    Watercress 100.00
    Chinese cabbage 91.99
    Chard 89.27
    Beet green 87.08
    Spinach 86.43
    Chicory 73.36
    Leaf lettuce 70.73
    Parsley 65.59
    Romaine lettuce 63.48
    Collard green 62.49
    Turnip green 62.12
    Mustard green 61.39
    Endive 60.44
    Chive 54.80
    Kale 49.07
    Dandelion green 46.34
    Red pepper 41.26
    Arugula 37.65
    Broccoli 34.89
    Pumpkin 33.82
    Brussels sprout 32.23
    Scallion 27.35
    Kohlrabi 25.92
    Cauliflower 25.13
    Cabbage 24.51
    Carrot 22.60
    Tomato 20.37
    Lemon 18.72
    Iceberg lettuce 18.28
    Strawberry 17.59
    Radish 16.91
    Winter squash (all varieties) 13.89
    Orange 12.91
    Lime 12.23
    Grapefruit (pink and red) 11.64
    Rutabaga 11.58
    Turnip 11.43
    Blackberry 11.39
    Leek 10.69
    Sweet potato 10.51
    Grapefruit (white) 10.47
  • AS ALWAYS: Check with your health practitioner before you change your diet. These organic foods are not meant to replace any treatment or drugs you are taking.
  • DON’T FORGET to sign up for our weekly newsletter to get our latest articles, updates, free recipes and giveaways.
  • For the top 8 organic anti-aging foods.
  • For the health benefits of cruciferous vegetables.
  • 1. “Defining Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetables: A Nutrient Density Approach.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 05 June 2014. Web. 11 July 2014.
  • 2. “The Top Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetables.”, 23 June 2014. Web. 11 July 2014.
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