- Health benefits of ginkgo biloba.
- The Ginkgo Biloba tree is an ancient tree, and is even considered a living fossil for how long its been on this planet. It has been used as an herbal medicine for centuries to treat a wide range of ailments.
- Here are some of the health benefits of Ginkgo Biloba:
- Chemotherapy:
- Ginkgo Biloba may be able to reduce side effects of chemotherapy. It showed potential in treating side effects of chemotherapy in pancreatic and colorectal cancers. Sometimes, chemotherapy may affect the brain. Because of Ginkgo Biloba’s cognitive benefits, it can help with memory problems.
- Cognitive function:
- It has shown to improve cognitive function and has been used to treat a variety of brain conditions. It is often used in Europe to treat dementia.
- According to the University of Maryland it is also known to protect the cells that would normally be affected by Alzheimer’s disease. It can help with Alzheimer’s by reducing depression, improving thinking and learning, and helping with social functioning.
- Eye health:
- The leading cause of blindness is a condition called macular degeneration. Ginkgo Biloba is known to have compounds that help reduce the problems caused by macular degeneration. Ginkgo Biloba may also be effective against glaucoma.
- Improves blood flow:
- Ginkgo Biloba is proven effective for treating claudication, which is a condition caused by clogged arteries in the legs.
- Note: There are many other benefits of Ginkgo Biloba this is list is non exhaustive.
- It may help with fatigue, have anti-inflammatory effects and so much more, but more studies need to be done to prove all these claims.
- Please use caution and talk to your health practitioner before changing your diet and taking any supplements.
- Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.
- “Ginkgo Biloba.” University of Maryland Medical Center. N.p., 13 Dec. 2010. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.
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