Eating blueberries fights dementia

Eating blueberries fights dementia

Eating blueberries fights dementia, according to new research from the University of Cincinnati.

Don’t let the size fool you; blueberries are powerful. These little berries are packed with health benefits and nutrients. Popular from Asian to Mediterranean cuisines, blueberries provide great flavor, satisfying those sweet cravings. They are renowned as a super-food around the world, and in the United States, they are second in consumption only to strawberries.

Blueberries are packed with antioxidants, which could help combat the brain destroying effects of dementia, the University of Cincinnati scientists report.

Our new findings corroborate those of previous animal studies and preliminary human studies, adding further support to the notion that blueberries can have a real benefit in improving memory and cognitive function in some older adults,” says Robert Krikorian, Ph.D., the study leader. He added that the brain benefits of blueberries could be tied into to the anthocyanin content.

The study abstract explained the following about the first experiment:

One study involved 47 adults aged 68 and older, who had mild cognitive impairment, a risk condition for Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers gave them either freeze-dried blueberry powder, which is equivalent to a cup of berries, or a placebo powder once a day for 16 weeks.

After the first study, the participants showed better cognitive function, increased brain activity, and “improved memory and improved access to words and concepts,” Krikorian said.

The abstract also detailed the second experiment:

The second study included 94 people aged 62 to 80, who were divided into four groups. The participants didn’t have objectively measured cognitive issues, but they subjectively felt their memories were declining. The groups received blueberry powder, fish oil, fish oil and powder or placebo.

The results were not as robust as with the first study,” Krikorian explained. “Cognition was somewhat better for those with powder or fish oil separately, but there was little improvement with memory.” Krikorian suspects that the results were not as significant because the participants in the second study had less severe brain problems.

This is not the first study to link berries and brain health. Previous Harvard research from 2012 showed that berries were able to keep the brain sharp.

The study showing that eating blueberries fights dementia was presented at the 251st National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

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For a blueberry and flaxseed slimming smoothie recipe.
For a homemade raw blueberry jam.
10 reasons to eat blueberries.

1. “Study Suggests There’s a Delicious Way to Fight Dementia.” Fox News. FOX News Network, 14 Mar. 2016. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.
2. “Blueberries, the Well-known ‘super Fruit,’ Could Help Fight Alzheimer’s.” EurekAlert! N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.
3. “Berries Keep Your Brain Sharp.” Harvard Gazette. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.

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