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Credit: © Rawf8 / Fotolia

Cinnamon may reduce the damage from a high-fat diet

Cinnamon may reduce the damage from a high-fat diet, according to the latest research from the American Heart Association.

Cinnamon is a heavenly spice that seems to add the missing piece to so many recipes. True cinnamon is called Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Ceylon), and originates from the island Sri Lanka (formerly called Ceylon). Ceylon cinnamon is harder to find in the US but is gaining popularity in Europe and South America.

It has a less strong, bitter taste than the cinnamon we are accustomed to in the US, which is Cinnamomum aromaticum (Cassia). Cinnamon has been used since 2000 BC, where it was held in very high regard for relieving arthritis, coughs, and sore throat.

According to the new American Heart Association research, cinnamon may reduce the risk of cardiovascular damage from a high-fat diet.

It produces these benefits by activating antioxidant and anti-inflammatory systems in the body, and by slowing down the fat-storing process.

The researchers fed rats cinnamon supplements for three months in addition to a high-fat diet. They reported the following:

The rats weighed less and had less belly fat and healthier levels of sugar, insulin and fat in their blood, compared to rats that did not receive cinnamon with their high-fat foods;

Rats fed cinnamon also had fewer molecules involved in the body’s fat-storing process and more antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecules that protect the body from the damages of stress.

The results indicate that cinnamon may reverse the effects of a high-fat diet.

The study showing that cinnamon may reduce the damage from a high-fat diet was presented at the American Heart Association’s Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology | Peripheral Vascular Disease 2017 Scientific Sessions.

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1. “Cinnamon May Lessen Damage of High-fat Diet in Rats.” American Heart Association. American Heart Association, n.d. Web. 07 May 2017.

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