Credit: © Ana Maria Tegzes / Fotolia

Credit: © Ana Maria Tegzes / Fotolia

Can probiotics help prevent and treat colon cancer?

There is mounting evidence that adding probiotics to your diet will not only boost your immune system, but also fight inflammation, skin disorders,  aid with your digestion, help you reach optimum health and even lower your blood pressure.

Eat more fermented foods and Kefir for a good source of probiotics. You can also drink or make your own Kobumcha and  supplement. We like Natren probiotics as as a reputable source.

Dr. Andrew Weil, shared on the Dr.Oz show that probiotics are part of his 5 health essentials.

We we are 90% bacteria and 10% cells. We have abused and disrupted the eco system in our body by taking too many pharmaceuticals drugs, antibiotics and by eating the wrong foods. We need to fix our internal environment by eating less processed foods and by including probiotics in our diet,” states Natasha Trenev Founder on Natren. 

About 80% of our immune system is in out gut/colon. Keeping it healthy is key to boost our immune system.

Can probiotics help prevent and treat colon cancer? New research from the The American Journal of Pathology aimed to find out.

The scientists experimented with a new approach to treating colon cancer — they attempted to find ways to replace missing metabolites in patients prone to gut inflammation and colon cancer.

They found that “administration of histamine-producing gut microbes to mice lacking the enzyme histidine decarboxylase (HDC) reduced inflammation and tumor formation.”

We are on the cusp of harnessing advances in microbiome science to facilitate diagnosis and treatment of human disease,” explained James Versalovic, MD, PhD, pathologist-in-chief at Texas Children’s Hospital, and Milton J. Finegold Professor of pathology & immunology at Baylor College of Medicine (Houston). “By simply introducing microbes that provide missing life substances, we can reduce the risk of cancer and supplement diet-based cancer prevention strategies.”

The researchers found that dosing mice with a probiotic increased amounts of histamine in their colons. The mice treated with probiotics had significantly fewer and smaller tumors, along with less glucose uptake.

Science Daily reported:

The active probiotic also reduced inflammation induced by the carcinogen plus DSS, as indicated by suppressed pro-inflammatory cytokine gene expression (i.e., those encoding KC, interleukin (IL)-22, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and IL-1?) and reduced cytokine concentrations in plasma (i.e., KC, IL-22, and IL-6). The active probiotic also counteracted an increase in immature myeloid cells induced by the carcinogen. According to Dr. Versalovic, “These observations are consistent with the conclusion that histamine-generating probiotic L. reuteri may attenuate AOM+DSS-induced colon carcinogenesis, at least in part, via enhanced maturation of circulating myeloid cells and concomitant reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines.”

The role of histamine in human cancer is still unclear. However, when investigators analyzed data obtained from 2,113 CRC patient samples taken from 15 datasets, results showed better survival in patients with elevated patterns of HDC and histamine receptor gene expression. These findings indicate that histamine-generating probiotics, in the presence of sufficient protein (L-histidine) intake, may improve outcomes for patients with sporadic and IBD-associated CRC.

Our results suggest a significant role for histamine in the suppression of chronic intestinal inflammation and colorectal tumorigenesis. We have also shown that cells, both microbial and mammalian, can share metabolites or chemical compounds that together promote human health and prevent disease,” said Dr. Versalovic.

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1. “New Research on Probiotics in the Prevention and Treatment of Colon Cancer.” ScienceDaily, ScienceDaily, 13 Sept. 2017,

2. “Gut Microbe–Mediated Suppression of Inflammation-Associated Colon Carcinogenesis by Luminal Histamine Production.” The American Journal Of Pathology, Elsevier, 13 Sept. 2017,
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