DIY multi purpose fruit peel cleaning solutions

DIY multi purpose fruit peel cleaning solutions

  • Most conventional home cleaners contain toxic chemicals  such as 1.4 -Dioxane, Caustics and Phosphate. These chemicals are linked to skin and upper respiratory allergies and may lead to serious diseases. They are also suspected of causing damage to the central nervous system, liver, and kidneys. Most significantly they are known carcinogens. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that the air inside our home is more polluted than the air outside.
  • Did you know that cleaning products are responsible for nearly 10 percent of all toxic exposures reported to U.S. Poison Control Centers.
  •  Multi purpose cleaning solutions are safer alternatives.
  • Try these easy recipes.
  • Lemon cleaning solution option #1
  • Put lemon peels  (3 lemons worth) in a BPA-free jar
  • Fill the jar with distilled white vinegar
  • Let sit for 1 week
  • Transfer to a spray bottle
  • Use to clean hard surfaces, sinks toilets and so much more
  • Do not use on marble
  • Orange cleaning solution option #2
  • Put orange peels  (2 big oranges worth) in a BPA-free jar
  • Fill the jar with distilled white vinegar
  • Let sit for 1 week
  • Pour content in a BPA-free spray bottle
  • Use to clean hard surfaces, sinks toilets and so much more
  • Do not use on marble
  • Grapefruit cleaning solution option #3
  • Put grapefruit peels (2 grapefruits worth) in a BPA-free jar
  • Fill the jar with white distilled vinegar
  • Let sit for 1 week
  • Transfer to a spray bottle
  • Use to clean hard surfaces, sinks toilets and so much more
  • Do not use on marble
  • Enjoy!
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