Homemade apple wax remover

Homemade apple wax remover

  • Apples are one of Mother Nature’s sweet gifts to us.
  • We have seen how apples contain many health benefits, and may help prevent stroke. They may look shiny and fresh at the supermarket, yet they may not be as clean or healthy as one would think.
  • Apples produce a natural wax to protect their high water content. When apples are processed, they lose these natural waxes, so artificial waxes are sometimes added.
  • These waxes can be petroleum based and very toxic.
  • The best way to avoid the toxic wax is by shopping organic and at farmers markets where they actually grow the produce that they sell.
  • If you can’t do that, it is  important to deeply wash apples to get rid of harmful wax.
  • Here is a simple and inexpensive way to remove apple wax with ingredients from your kitchen.
  • What you need:
  • 1 veggie brush
  • Apples
  • Baking soda
  • Lemon juice
  • Directions:
  • Fill your sink with 5 inches of lukewarm water
  • Add 1 tbsp. of lemon juice & 1 tbsp. of baking soda
  • Place your apples in the water
  • Brush the outside of the apples with a veggie brush
  • Then, watch and you will see the wax disappear and the water become cloudy
  • For how eating apples may reduce risk of stroke.
  • For the health benefits of apples.
  • For 40 baking soda uses.

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