5 healthy snacks to keep at your desk at work

5 healthy snacks to keep at your desk at work

We are giving you 5 healthy snacks to keep at your desk at work, so you don’t have to rely on pre-packaged ones with questionable ingredients.

Healthy snacks are hard to find. Most “snacks” nowadays are highly processed foods or foods that are packed with sugar, sodium, artificial sweeteners, or all of the above. Making your own snacks is a much better option, because you control the ingredients, and you can pick foods that are nutritious.

Let’s take a look at 5 healthy snacks to keep at your desk at work.

Seeds are an important part of a healthy diet. “Seeds are a source of protein, and they’re easy to store, quiet, and not messy,” said Brittany Kohn M.S., R.D. in a piece for SELF Magazine. Make sure seeds are organic. If you need a recipe, try our sea salt roasted pumpkin seeds recipe.


Nuts are absolutely packed with protein and healthy fats. We recently reported on a study from the journal BMC Medicine, which showed that about a handful of nuts a day was linked to a significant reduction in risk of serious diseases like heart disease and stroke, and even some types of cancers.


Dried fruit:
Dried fruit is so delicious and is a great alternative to fresh fruit, because it lasts longer and you can store it in your desk. Fruits like raisins, mangos, apricots, peaches, and pineapples are great options for drying.


Roasted seaweed is one of our favorites, because it comes from the sea, which usually means bountiful nutrition. It is packed with vitamin A, C, E, K and B vitamins, and minerals.


Dark chocolate:
We’ve raved and raved about dark chocolate, and the raving continues. Dark chocolate can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and so much more.

Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.

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Healthy roasted chickpeas snack.
Healthy sea salt broccoli chips.
Homemade parsnip chips.

1. “15 Healthy Snacks For Work That You Can Keep At Your Desk.” SELF. SELF Magazine, n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2017.

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