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Credit: © eric / Fotolia

How to be prepared for a big hurricane

Because of the recent devastating storm Hurricane Harvey, we are giving you crucial tips on how to be prepared for a big hurricane.

The climate is changing around us, and not for the better.

According to the NRDC:

Climate change is the greatest humanitarian crisis of our time, responsible for rising seas, raging storms, searing heat, ferocious fires, severe drought, and punishing floods. It threatens our health, communities, economy, and national security.

Here are some key tips on how to be prepared for a big hurricane.

Plan your evacuation:

Evacuation planning is number one on the list,” the director of the National Hurricane Center, Rick Knabb told AccuWeather.

Knabb urges people to find out if they live in a hurricane evacuation area, meaning an area where they have to leave in the event of a hurricane.

Local governments can provide information on evacuation routes. It is wise to review these routes ahead of time.

Get supplies: 

It is important to have supplies ready before the storm hits. If you wait until the storm is on its way, you will have to stand in long lines.

If you live in evacuation areas, make sure to have an evacuation kit handy. These kits should include food, water, blankets and clothing.



















Check your insurance coverage: 

Make sure your home insurance coverage includes flooding and natural disasters. Many people do not realize that they are not covered until it is too late.

Make copies of important documents: 

Make sure to have copies of proof of ownership documents including homes, cars, boats, etc. You can store these documents in your hurricane kit.

Back up electronics:

Make sure to keep extra batteries and chargers for your electronics. Portable battery chargers can be crucial for emergency calls and communicating with loved ones.

The battery company Anker makes very good portable chargers.

Also, make sure to back up the information of all your devices, so you can access vital information if you lose a device.

Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only. 

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20 facts you must know about global warming.
Top 10 cities with the worst air pollution.
Carbon emissions at highest levels since dinosaur age. 

1. “6 Ways to Prepare Now for Hurricanes.”, AccuWeather,
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