Take a close look: Do the canned foods in your pantry contain BPA?

Take a close look: Do the canned foods in your pantry contain BPA?

BPA, or bisphenol A, is an industrial chemical that is used to make certain types of plastics and resins. It has recently been linked to autism, food intolerance, and may affect fertility.

Many major companies have pledged to stop using BPA in their canned foods. However, there was no way for consumers to know if the canned foods they were buying contain BPA.

Now, thanks to research from the Environmental Working Group (EWG), consumers can finally be informed of which brands use BPA in their cans. The EWG analyzed 252 popular canned foods brands to find which ones contain BPA-laden epoxy.

Do the canned foods in your pantry contain BPA? Which canned foods are BPA-free?

Let’s take a closer look at BPA in canned foods.



For the EWG’s full analysis of BPA in canned foods.

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For all you need to know about BPA.
Cash register receipt paper responsible for high BPA levels in humans.
BPA exposure increases food intolerance risk in infants.
Is there a link between BPA exposure and autism?
BPA exposure may affect fertility.

1. “BPA in Canned Food.” EWG. EWG, 3 June 2015. Web. 14 June 2015.
2. “BPA in Canned Food: Executive Summary.” EWG. EWG, 3 June 2015. Web. 14 June 2015.

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