Mayor Edwin M. Lee challenged San Francisco residents and businesses to show the nation how wisely they use water by participating in the National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation – an online pledge drive to conserve water, save energy, and reduce pollution. The challenge is a friendly competition between cities across the United States to commit the public to save millions of gallons of water during April Earth Month starting today.
“Hetch Hetchy tap water is some of the best tasting water in the nation. It is also one of our City’s most precious assets,” said Mayor Lee. “Let’s show the rest of the nation how we in San Francisco already make every drop count.”
The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), operator of the Hetch Hetchy Regional Water System, is supporting the Mayor’s pledge and will be signing people up and offering free tap water refills from a mobile water tanker at various locations around the City to promote tap water over single-use plastic bottles, water conservation and dialing 3-1-1 for water quality issues.
San Franciscans can also take advantage of the SFPUC’s water conservation programs like home water audits, free fixtures, leak-fixing videos, and rebates. To date, conservation efforts in San Francisco have resulted in a use of just 80 gallons per person per day, less than half of California’s statewide average.