We are thrilled to share that our founding partner Earth Friendly products is getting involved in a very meaningful with a new campaign that will bring awareness to breast cancer and that will support the American Cancer Society. (ACS).
Yes, Earth Friendly Products goes green for pink. So how can something green turn a vibrant shade of pink?
For Earth Friendly Products, the maker of ECOS green cleaning products, the answer is easy. As a company led by women, Earth Friendly Products is turning its personal connections to breast cancer and its investment into the health and wellness of its community into a brand-new campaign to support the American Cancer Society (ACS).
The 50-year-old company is a true pioneer in the environmental movement. Founded back in 1967, when “being green” wasn’t a part of mainstream culture, Earth Friendly Products combines sustainable manufacturing with plant-powered ingredients to create safer household cleaners. The company has also become a driving force in the fight for mandatory ingredient disclosure in household cleaners to help protect human health.
President and CEO Kelly Vlahakis-Hanks has been leading the charge to support breast cancer programs for nearly a decade. She lost her mother to the disease shortly after her own daughter’s birth, which sparked her involvement with ACS and its Making Strides Against Breast Cancer events. And, her employees have rallied around her in the fight, each one affected in some way by the disease, either personally or by a family member or friend who has been diagnosed.
This year, Earth Friendly Products has expanded its longstanding partnership with ACS through the Go Green for Pink campaign, which will have presence at retailers including Walmart, Costco, Sam’s Club and Kroger stores nationwide. From September 1 through October 31, this year and June through July of 2019, the company will contribute $1 to ACS to support breast cancer programs and research for every 100-ounce or larger bottle of ECOS™ laundry detergent sold, up to $100,000.
“We’re grateful to have the support of Earth Friendly Products,” said Jeff Klaas, Executive Vice President, American Cancer Society, West Region. “They have a genuine commitment to supporting our ACS mission of saving lives, celebrating lives, and leading the fight for a world without cancer because like so many others, their own families have been affected by cancer. Earth Friendly has brought many creative ideas to our partnership and we’re looking forward to the Go Green For Pink campaign launching.”
Earth Friendly Products will also continue its participation in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer events, with four teams across the country representing each of the company’s four U.S. manufacturing facilities located in Cypress, CA; Addison, IL; Parsippany, NJ and Lacey, WA. Since 2008, Kelly and Team ECOS have helped raise roughly $20,000 each year, with proceeds funding ACS breast cancer efforts including providing free programs and services for individuals facing a breast cancer diagnosis and their families and caregivers, and funding cutting-edge breast cancer research.
“We’re so thrilled to grow our partnership with the American Cancer Society,” says Kelly. “Fighting to protect our health and the health of our planet has always been our core mission. Almost everyone has been affected by breast cancer in one way or another, whether it’s a mother, sister, or friend. As a mom, I want to do everything I can to help improve women’s health and well-being and create a healthier future for my daughter.”
For more on Earth Friendly Products