Powerful liver detoxifying cabbage juice

Powerful liver detoxifying cabbage juice

This powerful liver detoxifying cabbage juice is packed with natural organic ingredients that will supercharge your liver and promote detoxification.

Your first line of defense against toxins is your liver.

It works like a filter by preventing toxic substances contained in foods from passing in our blood stream.

Let’s take a closer look at the ingredients in this powerful liver detoxifying cabbage juice.

Cabbage is amazing for the liver. During the holidays, the wine tends to flow. The problem is, alcohol is bad for the liver. Cabbage can help remove the toxins that alcohol causes in the liver.

It acts as a diuretic, helping to flush out toxins from the body. The high water content also helps you stay hydrated.

These tangy citrus fruits have diuretic properties, meaning they help flush out toxins through urine.


Process the following ingredients in a juicer:

7 cups of green cabbage
1 lemon, peeled
1/2 lime, peeled
3 sticks of celery
3 apples

Make sure ingredients are organic
Enjoy this powerful liver detoxifying cabbage juice!

Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.

Apple and celery detox green juice.
Coconut lime detox smoothie.
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